Displaying Last week, the House of Representatives voted to sharply increase the security screening of Syrian and Iraqi refugees, a measure that would essentially halt the refugee resettlement process. This measure is one of many pieces of legislation that have been proposed in the past week in order to prevent Syrian refugee resettlement in the United States. It is a crucial moment to show support for the Syrian refugee resettlement program and prioritize immediate civilian protection in Syria.
Join us. Take action to stand with Syrian civilians and refugees.
1.Meet with your Members of Congress in their district offices.
This week, your Members of Congress will be home for Thanksgiving. This is the perfect opportunity to meet with them or call their local offices. Tell them that their constituents welcome Syrian refugees, want them to vote against anti-refugee legislation, and support civilian protection in Syria. Find your Congressperson’s and Senators’ contact information hereFeel free to use talking points from the SAMS Statement on Anti-Syrian Refugee Declarations.
2. Call your governor. 
31 governors have stated that they oppose refugee resettlement in their state. If you live in one of the following states, call your governor and tell them that you welcome Syrian refugees.
Alabama: 334-242-7100 Nebraska: 402-471-2244
Arizona: 520-628-6580 Nevada: 775-684-5670
Arkansas: 501-682-2345 New Hampshire: 603-271-2121
Florida: 850-488-7146 New Jersey: 609-292-6000
Georgia: 404-656-1776 New Mexico: 505-476-2200
Idaho: 208-334-2100 North Carolina: 919-814-2000
Illinois: 217-782-0244 North Dakota: 703-328-2200
Indiana: 317-569-0709  Ohio: 614-466-3555
Iowa: 515-281-5211 Oklahoma: 405-521-2342
Kansas: 785-296-3232 South Carolina: 803-734-2100
Louisiana: 225-342-7015 South Dakota: 605-773-3212
Maine: 207-287-3531 Tennessee: 615-741-2001
Maryland: 410-974-3901 Texas: 800-843-5789
Massachusetts: 617-725-4005 Wisconsin: 608-266-1212
Michigan: 517-373-3400 Wyoming: 307-777-7434
Mississippi: 601-359-3150  
3. Advocate to your local city council. 
Several cities across the nation have made statements expressing their support to Syrian refugee resettlement in their communities. These statements show refugees that they are welcomed by a local community. Check out SAMS’s city council advocacy guide and contact your local city council to make a similar statement.
4. Write a Letter to the Editor. 
Write a letter to a local newspaper and mention the name of your Congressperson and/or Senator. Ask your representative to support Syrian refugee resettlement and civilian protection in Syria. Feel free to use SAMS’s template and reach out to SAMS Advocacy Associate, Natasha Kieval, at  for personal assistance with op-ed drafting and media outreach.